Three more people than last week and there were some really close finish times, so close we are going to do the next race as a mass start so we can get some sprint finishes!
Place - Overall Time - Name - Method
> --------------
> 01. 19:06 -Jeff Barnes (Skate)
> 02. 20:22 - Paul Deninger (Skate)
> 03. 20:25 - Dave Swanson (Skate & he rode his bike over!)
> 05. 21:44 - Jim T (Skate)
> 06. 21:46 - Todd Gillihan (Skate)
> 07. 21:49 - Bruce Timmerman (Skate)
> 08. 22:10 - Tom Sulentic (Skate)
> 09. 23:36 - Kim Eppen, Phd (Classic)
> 10. 23:38 - Matt Hartman (Skate)
> 11. 23:42 - Hodge (Skate)
> 12. 24:21 - Finn (Classic)
> 13. 25:17 - Sean Scanlon, Phd (Skate)
> 14. 25:32 - Wayne Fett (Classic)
> 15. 27:08 - Cara (Skate)
> 16. 27:29 - Joe Hetrick (Skate)
> 17. 27:42 - Mark Wiechowski (Classic)
> 18. 29:17 - Norb! (Classic)
> 19. 31:07 - Cable Gr(e/a?)y (Skate)
> 20. 31:49 - John Pemberton (Skate - 1st time ever)
> 21. 39:14 - Kyle Williams (Classic)
> 22. 39:15 - Robin Williams (Classic)
> 23. 44:19 - Chad Lambi (Classic)
Oh yeah, the first ski race raised $70 which will help keep the grooming machines working, tonight we brought in about $60. Thank you for your donations and keep em' coming!
didn't realize we were supposed to include our academic credentials on our registration forms b/c i'm a phd too. -kim