Mass Start Mania! Couldn't help myself. But let us start at the beginning. It was really cold and windy out there tonight. Just lookit this picture here:

See? That is cold! As go time approached racers were few. Morale at race HQ was low. Then, headlamps in the distance...

13 racers in all, we had a quick talk and decided that mass start was the way to go to avoid a mass hypothermia/frostbite event. So we did it. Oooo-la-la! Here is what happened:
1st: Finn Kolsrud 19:09 1st lap 9:15 (skate)
2nd: Jason Beerends 20:29 1st lap 9:44 (skate)
3rd: Guillame 21:24 1st lap 10:33 (skate)
4th: Jeff Barnes 21:24 1st lap 10:33 (skate)
5th: Todd Gillihan 21:33 1st lap 10:33 (skate)
6th: Grant Hedley finish unknown 1st lap 10:42 (skate)
7th: Hodge 23:40 1st lap 11:24 (skate)
8th: Jim Troepka 24:04 1st lap 11:45 (skate)
9th: Steve Dodge 27:06 1st lap 13:29 (skate)
10th/11th too close to call: the Eppens 32:04 1st lap unknown (classic)
12th: Cable Greay 33:51 1st lap 14:25 (skate)
13th: C.T. Kruekeberg 36:40 1st lap unknown (classic)

I missed a few times, but nobody seemed to mind, and the finish order was accurate. I think. Bags of frozen fruit donated by 30th Century Bicycle, along with some waterbottles & such. $30 more collected for the new snowmachine fund, might be able to spring for that
custom paintjob! Big thanks as always to you racers for coming out, Brett Griggs fer grooming, Brian Deutschendorf for the timing equipment, and Touch the Earth for the lantern, cones, first aid kit, etc.

I am starting to believe that an 8 lap mass start Ashton event this Sunday is a real probability. So start to spread the word, I will post a real race alert here with real details, but for now just plan on 9am Sunday Feb 28th.
The Herkabeiner!
i hope no one minds, i am making a facebook event for the herkabeiner, and writing stuff about it, which could be amended.